Thursday, 9 July 2009

Fluffy bunnies?

Subtitled: I'm hopping mad!

Well overnight saw a 2 hour long falling out over Noirin being told that she was 'hopping around groups like a bunny' - I did see it and was fascinated.

However, it was all rather spoiled because I hadn't seen the earlier conversation and therefore couldn't work out if Siavash was telling the truth or even try to determine what his real motives were.

Then, this morning, I wanted to be able to see what happened next.
Has Siavash been taken into Team Dumb's bosum (after all they have enough to accommodate a few)?
Was he punished for open discussion of nominations? (made to wear a bunny suit perhaps?)
Has Marcus realised that Noirin didn't listen to much of the advice he dished out last night?
Has Noirin formed a 'gang of 3' with rodders and sophie?

It made me realise, yet again, that this show NEEDS LIVEFEED!

1 comment:

  1. Your post shows just why we are missing Live Feed Munkety


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