Wednesday, 1 July 2009

Footwear for hot weather - the pisces influence continues

The current spell of hot weather must surely indicate even less viewers for BB10? Do you do what I do in hot weather, kick of your shoes and walk barefoot as much as possible? Which got me to wondering, I wonder why the housemates aren't doing so? I was sent the following clip, certainly if I was outside near a pool there is no way I would be wearing shoes in this weather, at the most I may wear sandals or flipflops. And why, I wonder, are there so many close ups of the footwear?



  1. Does seem very peculiar I agree - with branding clearly visible

    And did it appear to you that only one brand was being given the close up treatment????

  2. why is noirin bare foot then suddenly got white shoes on , what make are they ? , i hope bb zooms in on them so i can see for certain
    oh they do , well done bb
    is there a name for that sort of thing ?

  3. livefeed24/7now1 July 2009 at 17:30

    why does big brother let the houemates jump the pool in the first place ? , in previous years big brother has stopped the housemates as it's a health and safety issue or is it somethingelse this year ? you decide .!

  4. OMG i thought that was illeagal, 3 close ups of a brand logo for no reason whatsoever , i recognise that star on the shoes Kriss was wearing as well. How do they get away with it. If my memory serves me right then in previous years brand named clothing was removed from housemates or at leat the logo was taped over, naughty naughty channel 4.

  5. Thanks for this. I'd heard people discussing it, but now I've seen it with my own eyes.

    It's interesting how Noirin suddenly seems to go from being barefoot to wearing shoes in the blink of an eye.


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