Here is what I sent them
Dear C4 can you explain to me why you show constant repeats of Friends
during the daytime on E4 whilst BB10 is on? Surely we should be seeing Live
Feed from the house as we usually do? Regards Fay
I got the usual auro reply saying that someone would get back to me, they did with the following:
Dear Ms Kinnet,
Thank you for your email regarding FRIENDS.
We appreciate your feedback regarding our scheduling and have noted and
logged your suggestions. However there are no plans to screen the live feed
during the day at this time.
FRIENDS is a consistently popular programme and continues to be an important
part of our daytime schedules.
Thank you again for taking the time to contact us here at Channel 4 and for
your interest in our programming.
Noah Sinclair
Channel 4 Viewer Enquiries
I responded with the following:
Hi Noah
If Friends is so popular why does almost everyone I know complain that E4 are showing yet more repeats of friends? (I wonder what the viewing figures are for them?) By the same token almost everyone I know is complaining about the lack of Live Feed during the day
Hi Noah
If Friends is so popular why does almost everyone I know complain that E4 are showing yet more repeats of friends? (I wonder what the viewing figures are for them?) By the same token almost everyone I know is complaining about the lack of Live Feed during the day
Note that I have not mentioned a Red Button at any point in the above correspondence, which is why I was so appalled to recieve the following:
Dear Ms Kinnet,
Thank you for contacting Channel 4 Viewer Enquiries regarding BIG BROTHER
We were sorry to read that you are unhappy with our previous responses to
your comments concerning the red button 24-hour streaming facility.
We do feel that we have clearly stated Channel 4's position and that we have
done our best to assist you. Therefore, we regret that we are unable to
enter into any further correspondence on this subject.
Again, we do thank you for taking the time to write to us.
Thank you again for taking the time to contact us.
Jane Morgan
Channel 4 Viewer Enquiries
So far I haven't had a response to my follow up email:
Dear Ms Morgan
I'm sorry I do not understand this response. Where and when did I mention a red button? You could at least have the courtesy to read my correspondance before deciding that you no longer wish to respond to me. If this is how Channel 4 treat their viewers then I am truly appalled!
Dear Ms Morgan
I'm sorry I do not understand this response. Where and when did I mention a red button? You could at least have the courtesy to read my correspondance before deciding that you no longer wish to respond to me. If this is how Channel 4 treat their viewers then I am truly appalled!
I won't hold my breath for a reply! Do please leave a comment if you get better customer service from C4 than I got.
C4 don't answer questions they reply to questions .C4 claim to have had only a small number of complaints about big brother this year.i suggest that is nonsense.C4 need to wake up and smell the coffee , the writing is on the wall , all C4 need to do is read it and admit their total failure to provide a proper big brother this year.
ReplyDeleteSo glad you have highlighted the appallingly poor standard of customer service. They seem to feel that one inadequate response is sufficient - I wonder if the viewing figures for Friends are available? But even then, as you say, they probably wouldn't read it - cos you've already complained once! :mad:
ReplyDeleteThanks livefeed24/7 The falling viewer figures alone should tell them something is amiss
ReplyDeleteThanks Munkety, note they didn't respond re the Friends viewing figures
ReplyDeleteThey sent me the same standard replies to my complaints for a while, then stopped replying altogether.